Wednesday 14 October 2015

The Insignificance Of One

What is significant about life? I am one of billions of people, there were billions before me, and there will be billions after. So why is there so much preciousness (I know that's not a word) put on life. And especially mine.

Why am I in hospital?

Why are they stopping me from doing what I want to do. Why am I being punished for realising the insignificance. I have clarity. Yet, it's as though they are wanting to shut me up.

 It's like something out of 1984. The Thought Police want to keep me quiet. They don't want me to put my views on to other people or to do what is right. I am being kept quiet. I am being made to stay here, a symbolic room 101 until I give in and come around to their way of thinking.

They will make me take their medication. They will make me see doctors/nurses/other "professionals" until I tell them that they are right and I am wrong.

What is the point in life. There were billions before me, and there will be billions after. So why am I being kept here. Why? What is the significance of one. Life is nothing.

For now I will sit here biding my time. I will sit on my laptop and spend my time watching crap on Netflix, listening to music etc etc. But, the time will come. My time will come when I get to do what is right.

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