Sunday, 1 January 2012

A New Year

I know last year I wrote a post about trying to be more positive in 2011 and to try and be ok. It didn't last long did it. This year I am starting it as a section 3 patient on a psychiatrict intensive care unit. It could get worse as they've discussed the being moved to a low secure unit route. This would be my nightmare. It would probably be for a period of months as it's not easy to get out once you are in.

So I'm kinda worried about that. I have said to staff that I feel as though I'm a different person and when I self harm or I have attempted it's been someone else in me. However, they are now saying because the self harm I did do was very serious and could lead to death quite easily then they are not happy with me going to an acute ward. I don't know how long this will last for. So for the time being I'm stuck on the picu.

I do want to be better. I don't Want this to rule my life like it does at the moment. So I hope that 2012 for me will see me making some progress in getting better.

All the best to everyone else in the new year.x

1 comment:

Jenny said...


Glad to hear that you've got your phone back and that there are glimmers of hope. I too hope that 2012 will be better for you. And I hope that things with the complaint go as ok as they can do for you.. and that you're listened to.

Thinking of you
Jenny x